Thursday, July 1, 2010


To much fun fishing

Pouty Face!!

Some strong MILK!!

Last few days

We have started Avery on some rice cereal and baby foods. She LOVES them!!!! She gets super excited in her high chair and starts talking when she sees her spoon and bowls. She is already grabbing the spoon and putting it in her mouth. She is just growing up way to 4 months old she's trying to crawl, talk and eat foods. Eek...time sure flies!!!

Crazy Days!!

So I'll give a little more background info on Avery...we found out about her syndrome and heart defect at my 6 month check-up when they told us if she was a boy or a girl. The Dr. broke the news in a not so nice way, saying that she has a 3 chambered heart and that i would carry her full term and she would most likely die within days/weeks of birth. We were devastated (to say the least), we had tried for 3 years to get pregnant and what we thought was our perfect little baby, was shattered into pieces. We ended up going to see a specialist and an awesome pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Michael Womack. He told us that "yes she has a 3 chambered heart and NO she will not die, she will survive." She has a syndrome called Heterotaxy...basically her vital organs (stomach and liver for sure) are opposite of where they should normally be. She has a malrotation in her intestines that she will hopefully have surgery on soon...we have a consult with the pediatric surgeon on July 6th, 2010.